Scientific Foundations

Image taken from the project "Renaissance Écologique", promoted by the French author and expert in ecology, Julien Dossier.

The scientific foundations of the project

The goal of MAS is to develop an agent-based model whose entities are citizens, students, workers, tourists, and visitors residing in the historic center of Siena to promote global scenarios of environmental sustainability.

An agent-based model is a type of mathematical model that describes a complex system where understanding the decision-making process is crucial, often described using game theory.

One potential application of these models relates to environmental sustainability.

In the following paragraphs, you can find brief explanations of each aspect of the mathematical theory on which the project is based!

Complex systems

A complex system is a dynamic system, meaning it evolves over time, comprised of a large number of components that interact with each other, and whose global behavior emerges from the local interactions among its individual parts. Therefore, the behavior and properties of a complex system as a whole cannot be fully understood or predicted solely by analyzing its individual components, thus recalling the concept expressed by Aristotle in his famous phrase: "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts."

Some of the most fascinating aspects of complex systems are:






Agent-Based Models

Agent-based models (ABMs) are a class of computational models aimed at simulating the actions and interactions of autonomous agents (both individual and collective, such as organizations and groups) in order to assess their effects on the overall system. These models are ideal tools for representing complex systems precisely because they are able to capture all their key aspects.

Imagine being in a busy city. Every person, every car, every traffic light is an agent. Each agent has its own behavior and objectives: cars want to reach a destination, people want to cross the street, traffic lights regulate traffic. Together, all these agents interact to form the overall system of urban traffic.

Agent-based models replicate this concept. Using specific algorithms and rules, scientists can create simulations in which each agent follows predefined rules and reacts to the surrounding environment. This helps understand how the system as a whole behaves and how influencing the behavior of agents can change the entire system.

Thanks to their ability to model the individual entities of a system, their interactions, and simulate the dynamic evolution of the system over time, ABMs can capture the complexity and emergence of adaptive and self-organizing behaviors. Essentially, ABMs allow us to explore and understand the complex world around us, providing a detailed view of the underlying dynamics.

Schematic representation of an Agent-Based Model (ABM)

Game Theory

Game theory is a mathematical discipline dedicated to study social interactions among rational individuals whose decisions are interdependent, meaning the outcome of their choices depends not only on their own decisions but also on those of all others. Individuals, in this context, are called players, and assuming they are rational means they can evaluate different available options and choose the one that maximizes their benefit based on their objectives.

Informally, a game represents a situation of social interaction among two or more players and usually includes:

Therefore, in game theory, a "game" is not meant in the traditional sense of entertainment but as an interaction among agents, where each of them must make decisions considering others' actions and the consequences of their actions, and where each agent seeks to maximize their own gain or benefit, taking into account others' behavior.

Game theory gained significant prominence through the work of mathematician John Nash, who won the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1994. Nash significantly contributed to the understanding of many key concepts of game theory and introduced the concept of "Nash equilibrium."

A Nash equilibrium occurs when each player, acting rationally, chooses the best possible response to the actions of other players. This concept is crucial in the analysis of game strategies and social interaction situations.

There are several types of games studied and recognized. Three of the most important ones are:

Both players try to minimize their sentence, so they reason as follows: "My partner can confess or remain silent. If he confesses and I remain silent, I get 10 years, whereas if I also confess, I get 5 years. If, on the other hand, he remains silent, then if I confess, I am free, while if I remain silent, I get 6 months. Therefore, whether my partner confesses or not, to minimize my sentence, it is better for me to confess." This implies that both suspects will confess.

In conclusion, since game theory allows describing strategic behavior among rational individuals in social interaction situations, it emerges as one of the most effective techniques to represent how agents make decisions within an ABM.

The decision-making process of an agent-based model is of fundamental importance because the emergent behaviors at the macroscopic level of the studied complex system often depend on the decisions made at the microscopic level by the agents. For this reason, game theory allows exploring how such decisions influence the collective behavior of the studied complex system.

Game Theory

Sustainability, Agent-Based Models and Game Theory

Agent-based models (ABMs) have been widely employed in the field of sociology, proving to be powerful tools for exploring interactions among agents and understanding how individual actions influence social outcomes. This leads to the use of such models in the context of environmental sustainability, as they allow for analyzing whether agent-agent and agent-environment interactions at the microscopic level can generate sustainable scenarios at the macroscopic level.

In particular, using ABMs, we can build models where agents represent all people belonging to a community or city (residents, students, workers, tourists, visitors, etc.), who make continuous decisions that affect urban sustainability, ranging from choices in water and energy consumption to waste management.

The decision-making process can be described using game theory, as we have seen in the previous paragraph. More precisely, each agent in the model is a player who can choose between two game strategies: cooperation and defection. Cooperation is a concept widely studied in game theory and can be defined as the act of collaborating together to achieve a common goal.

In the context of environmental sustainability, cooperation is fundamental because it implies the active involvement of all entities belonging to a community in adopting behaviors that promote conservation and responsible management of natural resources, pollution reduction, and combating climate change.

An ABM in this context allows for a detailed analysis of decision-making and interaction dynamics within an urban community, understanding how the individual actions of agents influence urban sustainability at the macroscopic level. Using game theory to describe the decision-making process of agents, it is possible to examine how cooperation and defection at the individual level influence the overall behavior of the community.

Environmental sustainability and urban communities 


[1] Link. La scienza delle reti - Albert László Barabási

[2] Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: With Applications to Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Engeneering - Steven H. Strogatz

[3] Simulazione sociale. Modelli ad agenti nell'analisi sociologica - Flaminio Squazzoni

[4] Agent-Based and Individual-Based Modeling: A Practical Introduction - Railsback S.F. & Grimm V. 

[5] Teoria dei Giochi - Pierpaolo Battigalli

[6] An introduction to game theory - Martin J. Osborne