Mathematics in service to the city:

Agent-Based Models for Sustainable Siena


Image taken from the project "Renaissance Écologique", promoted by the French author and expert in ecology, Julien Dossier.

Would you like to help us in the research on sustainability and awareness of climate change in the city of Siena?

Fill out the survey available at this link:

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Nearly 500 questionnaires were filled out, Thank you!

Keep helping us, the more data we get, the more realistic and interesting the study will be!

Please remember that if the questionnaire is not completed, it cannot be used in the study and that, in order to safeguard your privacy, you can choose not to answer the personal questions and continue filling in.

The MAS project

Understanding and describing the processes that facilitate the adoption of sustainable behaviors in our lives. 

MAS is a project that arises from the collaboration between the University, the Municipality of Siena, and the company Prometeo Srl, focusing on the development of agent-based models (ABMs) for assessing the urban sustainability of the historic center of Siena.

ABMs are specific types of mathematical models that describe complex systems composed of entities (agents) interacting with each other and the surrounding environment. Agents make decisions based on their individual propensities, interactions with others, and rules or regulations. Entities in an ABM can be people, biological organisms, vehicles, organizations, or any other subject behaving with distinct characteristics and interdependence within the considered system.

Applying these models to the sustainable management of common goods is particularly suitable given the crucial importance of individual and collective commitment in such areas.

The goal of this project is to develop an ABM where agents include all people living in the historic center of Siena, including temporary residents such as out-of-town students, workers, tourists, and visitors. To ensure the model appropriately reflects reality, a comprehensive set of data needs to be collected. Therefore, we ask you to complete the survey available at this link:

To carry out simulations of the model, we will use the computational resources of CINECA, the largest Italian computing centre and one of the most important worldwide, which for this project provides us with the fifth most powerful computer in the world.

For computational reasons, the MAS project will focus only on the historic center of Siena. However, the goal is to extend it in the future to the entire municipality.

To learn more, visit the dedicated information pages: 


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