
The term "receptive language" refers to a person's ability to understand language. This includes one's comprehension of words, parts of words, sentences, and stories. 

The term "expressive language" refers to a person's use of language. This includes the way someone uses words and sentences and tells stories. Skills such as describing things, defining words, speaking in complete sentences, using correct grammar, providing explanations, and telling stories are all part of expressive language. 

You might hear these terms used a lot by speech-language pathologists to help us explain or parse out specific strengths and weaknesses that a child has, but some experts will say that these two concepts really cannot be separated. Just remember, it's all language!  

Comprehension of Basic Concepts is an important part of Language Comprehension. 

Language Development Milestones from Lucile Packard Children's Hospital

This link explains the differences between speech and language.

Board Games for Language Development

Playing board games is a great way to teach a variety of skills, including language! Follow these links for recommended board games and ways to get the most out of them. Have fun! 

Family Board Games Board Games for Speech and Language

Encourage Early Language/Literacy Classic Games 40 Best Family Board Games 

Wordless Picture Books

Wordless picture books are a great way to engage your child and support their language development. This link describes ways that these books can be used and provides a list of books to check out! (Credit to Say and Play speech therapy)

Wordless Picture Books

Cuentos en Español

Este enlace tiene Fabulas populares, leidos en Espanol. Se puede escuchar a estos cuentos con sus hijos y hablar con ellos sobre que paso en cada cuento. Hablen de que paso primero, segundo, y al final. Preguntenles porque piensan que los caracteres hacen lo que hacen en la historia. Hablen de los dibujos tambien - que estan haciendo los caracteres en cada dibujo? Como se sienten y porque? Tambien, expliquen el vocabulario en los cuentos.  

Cuentos en Español