Micro:bit gaming device - year 7


Gaming is a multi-billion dollar business that has been expanding for many years now. There is no sign of a decline in the popularity of gaming, and there are many opportunities for a lucrative career in the different facets of the gaming industry. Therefore, it is an area of interest for educating and upskilling our students here at Rugby School Thailand.

Design Brief

You are required to come up with a suitable theme for a game that can be programmed onto a BBC Micro:bit. You should then research the theme and present a range of design ideas for a handheld console to hold the Micro:bit chip and allow users to interact (play with) the game. Once you have designed a solution you must manufacture the final product from suitable materials.

Design Restrictions

Your product must be handheld - no bigger than 180mm x 120mm from a top view.

You must use the standard Micro:bit holder provided

Your design must consider anthropometric data and include ergonomic features

Your final model must be manufactured using mainly hand tools.


I did my product research on existing controllers and analysed them for my design ideas.

Primary research - analysing what I already have first hand. Touching it, how does it feel, is it comfortable?

Secondary Research - searching other controllers and analysing from how it looks.

Inspiration Board

I have gathered a bunch of pictures for my theme and colour palette.


These are my design ideas some of the ideas aren't related to my inspiration board.

The design that I have chose.

The design is a card theme controller relating to my game that I am going to make in computing.

I also added some


My first ever model of the design was a bit of a mess. My model snapped in half.

I then remade it. In this picture I am cutting out the design for my first layer.

And in this picture I am burning out the holes with a hot wire cutter. In this lesson I learned how to use a hot wire cutter.

I have made two layers in total and is now gluing it together. I figured out that my first layer needs to come down to hold the micro bit. So I fixed it but cutting it out and sticking it to the second layer instead.

I white bits are dry clay. The clay drys really easily so I can shape it and fix the mistakes I have made. I haven't really sanded it that well so I would like to go back and sand it to make it smooth with no rough edges.

This is my finished foam model with the micro bit. I have figured that the left arrow is uncomfortable to hold because it curves in at the bottom. I will also need to make the sides longer so my thumbs won't cover the screen. I will rearrange the cards and the layers again because the left side is not that pleasing to hold. But I am really proud of this piece since I put a lot of work and time to it.


This is my pencil sketch. I also have stuck some photos of my foam model for visuals.

This is my lineart I made the outside lines thick so that my designs will stand out.

My finished development page with lineart and rendering. In this lesson I learned how to draw zoomed in bits for more detail like when I rearrange the order of the cards.


The start of my final design which is the sketch. I used a light box for the first time to help with the 3D view. Under this sheet of paper was a template to help guide and where to draw my design.

I forgot to take a picture of my lineart which is what I have to reflect on. I need to stop and take pictures along the way more often to record the process.

My finished final design. I am super happy about the results. I also even learned ho to draw a 3D view.


I am making the controller out of MDF. First I sketch out my improved design onto the MDF to cut it out.

Next I will cut the design out and sketch more layers. I also have to be careful of MDF dust it is very dangerous so I have to vacuum it now and then.

I am cutting the design out with a scroll saw which is a powered saw that can only cut in a straight line so you will have to turn the design yourself.


I really like the logo because it is simple. The colour pallet is the same as the controller. I also decided to involve the blue to contrast to the colour pallet of red, black and white.

I feel like I could do a better logo and make it more grand.

I arrows could be improved and make it more dramatic.