

For our first lesson on Onshape3D (a CAD program or known as Computer Aided Design) we put in our sketching and finelining from one of our previuos works, in this stage we had to make sure the picture was centred and is the right size, otherwise if it isn't the right size it might come out too small or too big or just the way you dont want it.


During our third lesson we just continues on making the 2D shapes into 3D.

Tip: Make sure to name the layers so you don't get confused and struggle trying to find the right layers(if youre wondering what the layers are, it's where all the different shapes are, in simple words its like a storage box filled with the different shapes).


For our second lesson we started turning the 2D shapes into 3D shapes by using a two tools called 'Plane' & 'Revolve' which 'plane' created a new layer so wecan use the 'Revolve' tool to then turn them into 3D


In our fourth lesson(last lesson using the website/Onshape3D) we hid all the layers except the layers with the shapes on them. (skipped one stage because i forgot what we did). We then transfered the picture of our 3D shapes that we modelled by ourselves and put them in Procreate(Art app) to put color in them/render them.


During our fifth lesson we started rendering our 3D modelled shapes on Procreate. We used a marker called 'Real marker' which acts like a marker like in real life. For the shapes I used a colour that is similiar to cold grey which I thought looked really nice.