2D Basic shapes sketching and rendering


For our first piece of work, we practiced sketching 2 dimensional shapes with construction lines. We used a blue mechanical pencil to sketch the outlines and shapes. As we were working through our first piece of work, the teacher stopped and showed us some skills and techniques to sketch these two dimensional shapes which was very handy for what we were doing right now and for the next works that we are going to do.


In the next stage we had to fine line our shapes to make it stand out more and increase the depth of the sketches. We used a variety of pen thicknesses but the main ones were 0.3 and 0.5 to show the contrast between the areas. 


This is the last stage/finishing stage of  sketching our two dimensional shapes.  We used a soft black pencil to give the shapes a more realistic three dimensional feel to it.

Princess lesson!!!

This is the finished product of the second sketching work (highlighting the shapes and make it look more 3 dimensional/Princess lesson) we did, which was a more advanced and harder piece  of work. In my opinion I think that I did a little too much of the shading on the shapes but overall I think this looked pretty good for the second work piece we did. Fun fact: This was the work that the princess took a photo of when she came to interview the school! which was fantastic, it was making everyone so nervous especially the people she was talking to!


For our third piece of work we got given a sheet that was already pre drawn for us(the blue lines). We had to fine line the sheets with a black pen, either 0.3 or 0.5(thickness of the pen), for my work I used 0.5 which I thought was a good balance of not being too thin and not being too thick. 


As the second part of this piece we started using highlighters to fill our shapes with.  In this stage we also used the black pencils again to give our shapes a more three dimensional feeling.


This was the unfinished product of our third piece(I didn't finish it in time ). Although I haven't finished this piece of work this was another good practice to help me with oncoming work!

Fine lining and rendering digitally


For our fourth piece of work we did it digitally(on an iPad), to do this we used a app called procreate, It was really hard to learn the buttons and how the app works at first but soo after it was starting to get easier. There were multiple layers which you could use to separate the different parts/things you wanted to do which is the major difference between doing it on paper. For the outlines we used the technical pen option and we get to choose our own thickness we wanted to use. In my opinion I think that I may have done it a little too thick but it was fine to me.

<---This is how the app looks, as you can see there are so many
<---things to play with which was very fun since they're were so <---many things to try out!



The third and fourth shapes were when I started getting used to <---the way the app works and the feeling of drawing/sketching <---on the iPads, the longer/more I did my work the better I got!


