Research Pg.2

Nature inspiration

This is a photo made by Rob Visser which inspires me in so many ways. For example I love nature because it relaxes me. especially leaves. The way they fall and their shape. This meant that in my work I can make is so that there is a dotted print of green that represents leaves. I am also inspired by the light coming through the trees. This reminds me that in the bad there is always some good. I can show this by using a shade if green and a shade of dirty white. the white would stream into the resin from the top and make a marble pattern ( with stripes) in the green.

This would make my design more visually attractive and could make people buy my product as it helps them relaxes when they look at it.

Architecture inspiration

This is a building in Milano Italy. the architect is called Boeri Studio. This piece of art is called Il Bosco Verticale. The vertical forest. This building contains 900 trees, 5000 shrubs and 11000 perennial plants. This inspires me as it shows that we can still live n cities and create carbon dioxide though we need to give up some space to the solution. In simpler words we can live with the problem but we must give some space to the solution.

This can be used in my design as it makes me want to use the idea of plants in my resin making splashes loom like shrubs and it makes me want to use the colour of nature.

Animal inspiration

Birds inspire me a lot. This is because they are such free animals that can do whatever they want. Their wings has been the symbol fore peace and freeness for years. Birds when they fly into the sunset is one of the first things i think about when I think of being free.

To include this in my design i could make it so that the resin is in the shape of the wings of a bird s like a skating board ramp (used this as a reference to what I was thinking about has nothing to do with my inspiration). This could possibly give a sense of freeness to my customer.

Resin Pouring inspiration

This is a resin poured keychain made by Matsumoto Kamoto. This inspires me because i love how she put things in her resin. This created dimension in her piece and made it look even more three dimensional. This also helped create depth because seeing things inside the resin and if I look at it from different sides I can see the difference between each side.

I can use this in my work as I can add pieces of wood in my resin to add parts of nature. I can also add the flowers and the fake gold to follow my other inspirations such as nature.

Architecture inspiration photo

Animal inspiration photo

resin inspiration photo

Sea inspiration

This photo by H'sia Lynn Jhonson. The waves inspire me as their shape is so fluid. The way they move is so smooth and calming. Their shape can be of all different sizes and all different types of arcs. This helps me understand that even though things might be the same there is always a difference. This is show as all waves look similar but they are always slightly different.

I can be inspired by this as I can use the shapes to make my resin look like waves. I can make a wavy pattern that is different on the front and on the back parts of my design to represent how every wave is different in some way as the front would be a different pattern than the back. I could also make a design that is rectangular but looks like waves as I use the white to outline the different waves. it wold look like the picture below.

Space inspiration

The space contains multiple planets and these planets have different shapes. Therefore i could use the idea of Saturn. How it has a ring around it, the idea for Neptune the intense colour of it. Space has lits of different ideas in it. this makes me think how deep is space? how big is space? questions that cannot be answer at the moment. This shows how I am insperd to how even though things cant be answered factually imagination can answer anything.

Therefore in my design I could make it so that I could make the coil into the "inside" of the planet and I could use the resin to make the other half of the planet. This connects to imagination because we cannot currently be 100 percent sure of what is in a planet so we can imagine what is in a planet.

Fossil inspiration

Fossils have been some of the most significant pieces of evidence of what the flora and fauna was millions of years ago. This means that fossils have been the prime solutions to most questions about the flora and fauna in our years. This makes me realise how much we still don't know about what i was like in the times of the hunter gatherers. so I am inspierd by solutions and answers, in other words fossils.

I can use this in my design because I can make it so that I can get a bigger piece of wood and cut off th inside and fill it with clear resin so that when the col is put in the coil holder it looks like a fossil in the rock. I could use the resin to make the coil look even more like a fossil.

Ancient romans architecture

The ancient romans were so ahead of other populations in the world. Their architecture affected the architecture of us now. their architecture was also one of the most well mentained and the most famous ancient architecture today. so I am inspired by our inspiration, the romans. I am inspired by the civilization that changed the world with their architects.

to add this in my design I could sketch on the wood sketched drawings of the ancient roman architecture. I could also make it so that when the coil is added it looks like part of the architecture so for example I could draw on the would and follow it on the resin then make it so that the coil is coming out of the tower of Piza or the colosseum.

Sea inspiration photo

Ancient Rome inspiration photo

Space inspiration photo