
Hanging coil holder

This is a hanging coil holder. This coil holder is aesthetically beautiful and can help hold ashes. the hook can be put on the side of a table, on a wall or on a stand which means this product and be put in various different places, therefore it is really handy and easy to use.

Although this product is very beautiful and handy it is easy to make it swing around so it could drop the ashes and leave an unwanted mess. Though because the product is made of metal it can still rust.

I will use this design can an inspiration because I could use the idea of a bowl and add it to my design so that i have something to hold the ashes. I could also check the weight of my work. Will it tip over with the wind? Is it easy to spill ashes?

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Snail coil holder

This is a snail coil holder. This coil holder has a beautiful colour to it and can hold coil with ease. This mosquito coil colder can be carried and put anywhere as it has a flat bottom surface. This coil holder can also be used as a storage for the coil holders as it can hold more than one mosquito coil and can also be used as decoration. This product is also made out of ceramic which means that it wont blow over. Therefore it will not create an unwanted ash mess. This product is excessively efficient as it also will not rust as it is made of ceramic which means it will last longer.

Even though this product can be an easy fix to mosquito coil problems such as dropping ashes, blowing over and rusting, it is still very fragile. if it is knocked over it will break which means not only clean up the ashes but even the ceramic. In addition you will be left with no mosquito coil holder. Another negative of this product is that because the shell of the snail has little dents f there is wind the red ice of plastic that holds the mosquito coil up will keep falling in different dents until it will arrive to the sides of the snails shell which could cause of the product to burn, the red piece to break or the coil to break.

I could use this in my design as i could learn form this products mistakes and not make where my coil is being held in a round shape where it can roll off or break. I could also try and use strong but somewhat heavy materials so that they don't blow over and also do not break when pushed off a table.

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Cat tail coil holder

This is a cat tail coil holder. this coil holder is a very creative and innovative way of using coils. this leads you to use less coils. this coil holder is also made using ceramics which means it would not blow away or rust. This coil holder also has a plate to hold all the ashes which could help with keeping the area clean.

though this is a very creative and smart way of saving coils it can also lead to you having to add more coil every five minutes as there is so little coil being used each time which means it will be consumed very fast. This design is also inefficient for cleaning as the ashes could just blow off of the plate. Because this is such a small design it is possible for someone to knock it over which can lead to it breaking as it is made of ceramic so it is very fragile. This design is so small it could also be a chocking hazard for little children.

I can use this design to help me create my design. this is because im able to tell that i should not make my design small or in a way where people would have to cut and replace the coils often. I could also use this design to make sure that my design has an area dedicated to the ashes so that they don't blow away and create an bigger mess.

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House coil holder

This is a house shaped mosquito coil holder. This mosquito coil holder has a beautiful abstract design. one of my favorite things of this design is that the chimney and windows work as ventilation areas and reminds me of what m grandmas house looks like when she is cooking. (the smoke represents the smell of the food). this house mosquito coil holder s roof opens which is where you can change the coil. it is very easy and accessible which most clients will appreciate. The structure is strong so it wont break easily. This mosquito coil holder will also last a very long time as this type of ceramic is very durable and does not rust.

Though this is a very creative and beautiful design it has some flaws. For example, the ashes can be hard to clean out as they might get stuck in the crevasses that were made during the making of the house holder. another negative of this product is the fact that the smoke doesn't roam the environment . The smoke will only come out of two windows and one chimney made in the house that are all on the same side of the house. therefore the smoke will most likely only cover one area with the mosquito repellent odor.

To use this in my design I will use the idea of having abstract colours in my mosquito holder as it would make it more aesthetically beautiful. Then I could also use the idea of having a enclosed mosquito holder as it can stop the wind from turning off the mosquito coil.

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Pig coil holder

This is a pig coil holder. this coil holder is great for the outdoors as it has large holes where the smoke can come out. It is also a very durable coil holder as if wind blows it wont fall and still gives protection to the coil holder so it doesn't turn off. This coil holder is also very durable as if it falls it will not break. This coil holder is able to also hold ashes as it will not drop the ashes on the table or floor.

though this coil holder can be very efficient and comfortable to use, there are some thing I did not like of this design. For example in the design of this product you must hang the coil holder to the hook inside of the pig. This might be hard for a customer with large hands to do. It can also risk you getting burned. This is because it is hard for you to put the coil in while it is already smoking as the tip is hot and can burn you. though it is equally as hard to turn on the coil when using a lighter as you could get your hand stuck in the hole or you might have trouble turning it on as you cant see what you are doing while your hand is in the coil.

I can use this as inspiration to make my product easy to use. mostly easy to put coil in my product and I learned that I should make it so that my coil has repair from the wind so it does not get turned off.

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V shape coil holder

this is a V shaped coil holder. this coil holder has a very modern look. The V shape the designer gave to this coil holder gives it a very stylish and futuristic look. This V shaped coil holder has a black colour to it which is a good thing as i is a colour that looks good in multiple settings.

Even though this is a very modern coil holder it doesn't look very stable. this is because the v shape look easy to knock over. This coil holder does have extra support though they don't look like enough. Because this is a most likley unstable product that means that it would spill a lot of ashes, this can damage carpets, floors, and table surfaces.This coil holder s made of metal. this means that it could possibly rust which could lead it to look very ugly after a few monthes/years depending on where it is kept.

I learned for this design to not use metal, use colours that can fit in many backgrounds, and keep my work simple as it makes my work look more modern.