Hey NHS Members!

Earn unlimited inside hours through tutoring other students! Choose your preferred tutoring subject(s), hours, and gain invaluable skills. Sign up to tutor with the form below!

After completing the form you will receive an email shortly with additional information, including your tutee's contact information. You must reach out to your tutoring partner and set up a time and place with staff supervision for both of y'all to meet. Communication is key to the tutoring program, and as an NHS member you must take initiative! We are all leaders. A few options include meeting in the library before school, in any teacher's room (that agrees to host) before school, flex, or after school. 

NHS Tutoring Hours Completion Log

Remember to print and fill out this NHS Tutoring Hours Completion Log to be awarded credit for your service. Fill out the information, and submit a picture of your log to Innerview. Alternatively, you can find physical copies in Mr. Shaws room.

If you have any additional questions or concerns feel free to contact us or the WWHS Tutoring Coordinator, Isabel Sainz!