Leading Lines

Leading Lines lead your eye  into or out of the frame. The viewer's eyes are naturally drawn along vertical lines, parallel lines, diagonal lines and even strong horizontal lines. Some of the main subjects in images, such as these, are paths, rails buildings and streets.

F Stop/Aperture: 10

Shutter Speed: 1/400th

F Stop/Aperture: 10

Shutter Speed: 1/800th

F Stop/Aperture: 25

Shutter Speed: 1/50th

F Stop/Aperture: 32

Shutter Speed: 1/50th

F Stop/Aperture: 32

Shutter Speed: 1/80th

F Stop/Aperture: 13

Shutter Speed: 1/100th

F Stop/Aperture: 10

Shutter Speed: 1/250th

F Stop/Aperture: 22

Shutter Speed: 1/50th

F Stop/Aperture: 22

Shutter Speed: 1/40th

F Stop/Aperture: 10

Shutter Speed: 1/250th