Filling the Frame

Filling the Frame means little to no negative space

F Stop/Aperture: 9.0

Shutter Speed: 1/400th

F Stop/Aperture: 9.0

Shutter Speed: 1/100th

F Stop/Aperture: 9.0

Shutter Speed: 1/200th

F Stop/Aperture: 9.0

Shutter Speed: 1/320th

F Stop/Aperture: 9.0

Shutter Speed: 1/80th

F Stop/Aperture: 9.0

Shutter Speed: 1/200th

F Stop/Aperture: 9.0

Shutter Speed: 1/160th

F Stop/Aperture: 9.0

Shutter Speed: 1/160th

F Stop/Aperture: 9.0

Shutter Speed: 1/800th

F Stop/Aperture: 9.0

Shutter Speed: 1/80th