E-Syllabus is an ad hoc platform located within Blackboard, through which the syllabus is done. The metasyllabus and the syllabus of the subject are elaborated through it.

The e-syllabus platform allows the control of the stages that a syllabus follows, from its completion by the professor, through the necessary revisions and editions, until it is made available to the student.


The Metasyllabus is a model syllabus for a specific subject. It is timeless as it is not associated with any specific course. Its objective is to guide the professor in the content and establish the academic rules to be followed when teaching the subject. The creation of the metasyllabus content will be led and supervised by the Area Director of the subject.  

The design of the Metasyllabus content is led and supervised by the Area Director of the subject, who will designate a person responsible for the creation of the Metasyllabus.


The syllabus is the document prepared by the professor of the subject, to explain the program of studies to be followed, defining the academic objectives to be covered, methodology, its temporal organization, evaluation, among others.

When a syllabus comes from Metasyllabus it is shown in blue.

In the following, we will describe the tool and show you how to use it.

Select the role you wish to consult:

Faculty: In this option you will find the description of the steps to follow to complete a syllabus, whether it comes from Metasyllabus or not.

Subject Coordinator: Responsible for supervising that the syllabus of a subject complies with the determined content.

Metasyllabus Responsible: Person designated by the Area Director as responsible for the creation of the content for the metasyllabus of a subject.