Investment Strategies & Tips 💡

As teenagers, we have to be wise about our finances and our investments.

Some investment strategies and tips: 

1) Setting up investment goals and playing the long game. Depending on what your goal is,  you can work towards it by buying different types of stocks or bonds

2) Educating yourself on investments. With proper knowledge on the topic, investing is easy

3) Diversify your profile. When one sector fails, you can still sell your stocks from other sectors! Don't place all your eggs in one basket!

4) It is okay to take calculated risks with different methods of investing such as shorting!

Investment Fraud

In investment, you can and WILL meet fraudsters and dishonest investment managers or agents, who would trick you into giving your money to them to invest before running off with it. Here is how to avoid fraud:

MOST IMPORTANTLY, always educate 👨‍🎓 yourself about investment, and never get into investment without even a basic understanding of how it works, or what kind of agency and investments you are getting yourself into!

(In)famous kinds of schemes

Pump and Dump Schemes

Ponzi Scheme

    How to identify and avoid Ponzi Schemes. If there is/are: 

Fun Fact: The largest Ponzi Scheme in history was done by a guy called Bernie Madoff, who did fraud with almost $50 billion. He ran his scheme for around 17 years, from the mid 90s to the late 2000s. His scheme was unraveled in the 2008 financial crisis when investors began withdrawing money. He was sentenced to 150 years in prison, and liable to pay $170 billion in fines. He died aged 82 in 2021.

Affinity Fraud

How to avoid this fraud

Here's some strategies and tips from Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett's investing philosophy in 9 steps

Warren Buffett, one of the most famous investors, is known for his wise investing methods that has helped his acquire his current wealth. Here are his many ways summarised in 9, general steps (The Motley Fool)

1. Look for a margin of safety

2. Focus on quality.

3. Don't follow the crowd.

4. Don't fear market crashes and corrections.

5. Approach your investments with a long-term mindset.

"If you aren't willing to own a stock for 10 years, don't even think about owning it for 10 minutes."

6. Don't be afraid to sell if the scenario changes.

"The most important thing to do if you find yourself in a hole is to stop digging."

7. Learn the basics of value investing.

8. Understand compounding.

How powerful is this? 

9. Research and reflect.

Warren Buffett's example shows that a smart investor does not follow the crowd, but neither does he completely neglect what everyone else says just to be "edgy". A smart investor is never afraid of change, but sees everything and anything as an opportunity!