Google Classroom

If you have questions about Google Classroom, you have landed on the right page. Below is a list of FAQ's and informative questions that will help. Please reach out to RIS if you have any additional questions not covered below.

What is Google Classroom? Google Classroom is a virtual space for classroom teachers, support, and specialist teachers to post assignments, resources, announcements, and discussions. You can find it here: Students do not need a specific link for each teacher. Their classes will be listed in a menu once they login. Each student will use the same link to login.

How do I find my student's google classroom? The classes your child is enrolled in will show up in the main menu when they login to using their school google account. Some teacher might also provide an invitation code that students can self enroll in a course.

What will I find on the Google Classroom homepage? The homepage will list all the classes your student is a member of. Simply click on the class icon to enter the class. You can also find the shortcut to the To Do list using the ☰ button. The ‘To Do’ list includes assignments that have not been completed from any class they are enrolled in.

What types of notifications are there for students? Clicking the ☰ button will also provide access to the Notifications settings. From this dialog you can choose which types of email notifications the student will receive.

What types of notifications are there for parents? Teachers can add parents or guardians to their Google Classrooms. This will not provide a login for parents, yet does allow the parent to choose what types of notifications and how often they will receive them.

What is the Class Stream? Clicking on the class icon, allows the student to enter the class. The Stream is the default tab. This is a threaded post area similar to Facebook that reflects items such as assignments, discussions, resources and questions. The Stream is a public resource for the class.

What is the Classwork tab? The classwork tab allows the student to see a list of all the assignments visible to that student. Teachers can customize assignments for specific students. Each classwork item allows the student to access the specific details and resources for the assignment. A link for the class Google Calendar can also be found on this tab.

What type of assignments are there? Google Classroom allows for a variety of assignments. Some will have Google Forms attached, others will have templates for students to complete. There are also discussions and simple quizzes that can be built in.

How often do teachers monitor Google Classroom? Depending on our current situation, teachers will have various levels of usage with Google Classroom. During times of remote learning, Google Classroom will be the primary source of connecting with students along with other resources like Google Meet. During times when students are present in school, you will likely see Google Classroom playing a smaller role in instruction. However, all teachers at RIS will maintain a Google Classroom for your student.

This page is also available in document format.

Parent Introduction Sessions

An introduction to Google Classroom session was provided for parents. This session was recorded and can be found here. In addition, here are the FAQ's from parents and students:

  1. My child's teacher has added me as a guardian and I am receiving too many emails notifications. How do I turn some of those off?
    On the email that you receive from the notification, there are links at the bottom. One link says UNSUBSCRIBE - press this to stop receiving all notifications. The other link says SETTINGS - press this to adjust which notifications you are receiving. An additional resource can be found here for guardian notifications.

  2. How can I get technical help for my child?
    First, start with the classroom teacher.
    Contact them by email using both their @dodea and @student accounts. If the classroom teacher cannot provide help, they will contact the experts in the the building.