
If you have questions about ClassLink, you have landed on the right page. Below is a list of FAQ's and informative questions that will help. Please reach out to RIS if you have any additional questions not covered below.

What is ClassLink? ClassLinkis a service that has two purposes. First, it provides DoDEA and RIS a way to push links and URL's to students in a central location. Think of it as a centralized front door to Digital Learning. ClassLinkalso provides a single sign on service in that it remembers student's usernames and passwords for them on many of the digital subscriptions and licenses we provide. For the services that are not connected with ClassLink, it is likely the student would use their DoDEA Google account to login.

How do I find my student's ClassLink space? ClassLink can be found at the following URL: - or by using any of the links on this page. Students will need to sign in to ClassLink using their DoDEA google account.

What will I find on the ClassLink space? Once a student is logged in, they will see icons to digital services and subscriptions that are pushed out by DoDEA, RIS and their teacher.