Virtual Learning with Dr. Jordan

Critical Challenge Questions

Hello There! I will be posting a Critical Challenge for you to answer and chat with me about in the Google Meets platform. Each grade level 3rd, 4th, and 5th AAPS Level 2 and 3 students will have a recorded live session to answer a Critical Challenge question with me once a week, so don't worry if you can't meet live, it will be there for you to view. I will send out links to my 3-5 students' DoDEA email accounts once the Google Meet is planned. However, if your child is 3rd-5th Level 1 and he/she would like to participate in the live session, send an email to kitara.jordan including your child's DoDEA email in the request, I will add them to the upcoming session.

Live Session Rules:

  • Mute your mic, until called on by Dr. Jordan

  • Type your answer in the text box

  • Be respectful

  • Participate, type what you want to say in the discussion unless called on to unmute.