Growth Mindset

We used to think that our intelligence was fixed- meaning we were either smart or we weren't. Scientist have proven again and again that simply is not true. Our brain acts like a muscle- the more we use and challenge it, the stronger (and smarter) our brain becomes. This is the theme of our Social Emotional Learning in JKMES Advanced Academic Programs and Services (AAPS).

Sure Start (Pre-K)-2





Growth Mindset Discussion (This is to stimulate a family growth mindset discussion at home), I will change the situation/question weekly :

The Situation: Adrianna gets the lead in the school play. Because she is good at acting, she only practices as much she needs to in order to memorize her lines.


  1. Why doesn't this show a growth mindset?

  2. What advice could you give Adrianna for what she should do instead?

  3. Have you ever been guilty of acting like Adrianna? Explain.