
9th Grade

Spanish III 

During my freshman year, I took Spanish III to fufill my foreign language requirement. I loved this class, and I learned about several topics that related to the global goals of zero poverty and equality. My teacher taught about the struggles of Hatian people in the Dominican Republic and the racism they face, as well as various struggles for equality and socioeconomic improvement in Latin America. This course opened my eyes to the struggles of people around the world and also extended my Spanish vocabulary, therefore allowing me to connect with the cultures of Spanish-speaking countries. 

World History

I learned about early history, with a particular focus on Europe, during this course. We also examined art from different time periods and discussed its societal impact. This class helped me understand the world around me and taught me the cultural significance of art, which I have used in my daily life to connect with artwork, both modern and ancient. 

Photography I

I was able to capture the world around me through a camera lens in this class. We studied various techniques and photographers from around the world, thus permitting me to essentially see the world via photographs. This course widened my world view and instilled in me the desire to document the events around me. 

10th Grade

Hispanic Language and Culture

This course focused on the modern-day implications of past events in Latin America, as well as current events and contemporary figures that contribute to hispanic culture. By utilizing various resources relating to Latin American culture, I was able to learn about the rich cultures of Spanish-speaking countries across the globe. I have applied this knowledge to my daily life. I also developed my Spanish-speaking abilities in this class, further permitting me to connect with individuals from different cultures.

Modern World History

Modern World History specializes in events from the 1800s until World War II, meaning that I learned about countless historical events. We also discussed the contemporary impacts of these events, and how the mistakes of the past can be avoided in the future. This course armed me with the information necessary to be a knowledgable global citizen.

11th Grade

AP Spanish

I was able to further develop my speaking abilities in this course, which allowed me to reach a level of biliteracy in Spanish. This arms me with the capacity to connect with those from different cultures, languages, and ethnic origins, thus expanding my understanding of the world. I also thoroughly examined themes of social justice and learned about many of the global goals as they pertain to Latin American culture. AP Spanish immersed me in the cultures of Spanish-speaking countries and bolstered my status as a global scholar through cultural awareness and knowledge of language. 

Democracy and Media Literacy

This course was a critical examination of the news system in the United States, as well as a study into the impact of the media on social justice issues and societal progress at large. I learned about the systems of oppression in the United States, especially those that impacted the news media and the criminal justice system. I was also given the opportunity to travel to the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the U.S. Senate to participate in a simulation of a Congressional session, which allowed me to understand the inner workings of our nation's political system. I hope to utilize this knowledge in my future as I fight for social justice issues. The knowledge I gained through this course about campaigns of misinformation and disinformation will also aid me in properly informing myself in the future.

Bioethics of Human Disease

This discussion-based class focused on the implications of experimentation and scientific research on the world around us. Through several case studies, I learned about unethical scientific endeavors and participated in class discussions about the ethical boundaries of science. This course further reinforced within me the values of integrity, humanity, and compassion. It also demonstrated the importance of ethics in all aspects of life. 

12th Grade

Latin American Cinema

In this class, we explored themes of the role of women, familial comparisons between the United States and Latin America, political dynamics in varying countries, and several other topics that expanded my knowledge of Latin America. I was exposed to films that showed me ways of life that differed from my own, and I learned about the social issues that individuals in Latin America may face. Additonally, I expanded my knowledge and fluency of the Spanish language, which I hope to use in my future to break language barriers and connect with others from different cultures.

AP Psychology

This course focuses on how humans function, from our personalities to our biological predispositions to the way in which we interact with the world. In learning about the psychological thought of philosophers and scientists from around the world, I also discovered common themes that connect all of us. This course equipped me to better understand other people and cultures, and also helped me to connect with others on a more meaningful level. 

Senior Capstone: Advanced Research Seminar

Capstone is an intensive, year-long research course that helped me to pursue my passions. I chose to focus on the lack of affordable housing and its impact on the homelessness crisis in Boston, MA. This has helped me to positively interact with my community with the hope of creating a better system for those in need. Capstone is a masterclass in research, which will inform my future aspirations and help me to understand the world around me through a more educated lens.