
10th Grade

Modern World

Modern World continues the 9th-grade history curriculum, covering topics from the late eighteenth century to the present. In particular, we explored the legacy of colonialism and imperialism through the UN Sustainable Development Goal of Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure.

Learning about infrastructure development globally set the framework for my Capstone project rooted in public policy and city planning. Furthermore, discussions about collective activist efforts inspired me to evaluate processes for change on the local level.

French Language and Culture

This course develops verbal and written competencies in the French language through an exploration of the history and cultures of Francophone nations. Our investigations into sustainable energy practices in France drew upon the UN Sustainable Development Goal of Affordable and Clean Energy.

This course prepared me for an immersive trip to France in March of 2022. While living with a host family in Strasbourg, I often drew upon class lessons to find ways to express myself as accurately as possible. Likewise, French Language and Culture exposed me to television and music from the Francophone world that I could engage with outside of class.

11th Grade

US History II

This course follows American history from the 19th century to today, exploring the legacy of domestic and international developments. We learned about the UN Sustainable Goal of Reduced Inequalities by evaluating the progression of racial inequities.

US History II spotlights societal inequities and the activists working to overcome them. Ultimately, this motivated me to join the Andover Town Committee for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, through which I have had the opportunity to explore racial biases in Andover in depth.  

AP French 

The AP French curriculum centers around six themes: Families and Communities, Science and Technology, Personal and Public Identities, Global Challenges, Contemporary Life, and Beauty and Aesthetics. Repeated investigations into contemporary life for Francophone adolescents connected to the UN Sustainable Goal of Quality Education.

 AP French pushed me to improve all areas of my French competencies at a high level to prepare for the final exam. I had numerous opportunities to expand my active vocabulary and strengthen my grasp of French grammar through timed essays and interpersonal conversations.

12th Grade

The Modern Middle East

The Modern Middle East surveys the history and cultures of the Middle East and North African regions following the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire. In particular, class discussions centered around intercultural dialogue promoted the UN Sustainability Goal of Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions.

Through open discussions and written analysis, I dived into topics of interest while always having the opportunity to hear my classmates' perspectives. My thesis paper at the end of the semester concerned the societal status of ethnic and religious minorities in Tunisia following the nation's 2011 revolution. 

Contemporary French Society through Media

This course expands upon previous knowledge of the French language to incorporate discourse of popular culture and technological advancements. Case studies into artificial intelligence draw upon the UN Sustainable Goal of Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure.

In a continuation to my 2022 trip to Strasbourg, I recently had the opportunity to host a student from France. That this course concerns contemporary life—in particular that of francophone adolescents—has been immensely helpful for finding ways to connect with my exchange student and overcome language barriers.