
Failure Resume
final paper

Failure Reflection

Throught the process of creating and sharing a failed resume, it's taught me many things about myself and my peers. Something I learned about myself from this assessment is how hard it is for me to admit failure. As a student, athlete, and employee there is pressure from society expecting you to be "flawless". As humans, we are inherently striving for success. At first, I struggled to admit failure, unable to create 10. But the more it sat with me, the easier the process became. I realized that each and every day I make many tiny tiny failures; and from these failures, I learn and develop. I observed that the cohort struggled with simular issues creating their resumes. Many also struggled to come up with 10 failures, just as I did. I also noticed many driving and sports fails among my peers. I also observed how each of us has learned and become better because of our failures. It is our failures that allow us to grow and learn. I believe the way I approach the idea of failure is going to be a crucial component of my capstone research. I need to keep a positive mindset and understand that failure is part of the process it is what makes us human. Accepting failure is an essential step to gaining success.



Story of my first trip with my family out of the country when I was 9, I went to Harbour Island Bahamas. It was full of twists and turns and ended up meeting Jimmy Fallon. The trip made me learn a lot about my family and myself. 


This process of sharing a personal story in front of an audience taught me a lot. I learned how important it is to connect with an audience, how to engage., and how to be entertaining. If done right a MOTH isn't about what you talk about, it's how you talk about it. In my presentation, I tried to use comedy and shared experiences to connect with the audience. Something I did successfully was making fun of myself, making it light-hearted and more personable. If I could tweak something, I wish I had maybe had more of a beginning middle, and ending of my story. I think overall it was an amazing learning experience to grow as a storyteller.