

Since sophomore year, I decided to take part in the AHS recycling club.  A friend and I became members of the club as a way to both benefit the environment and our school community.  Through this club, we could help the janitors from the difficult jobs they already have and spread the importance of living a more sustainable life.  Every Friday, we would collect recycling from each classroom and put it in the recycling compost that the school has.  I got so interested in this club that after just one year of hard work and dedication, I earned the position of president.  I have been the president since the beginning of Junior year and continue to uphold that position.  


In my sophomore year, I started tutoring at West Middle School.  Through this experience, I met kids that I was able to help but who also became friends with me.  I was able to teach them academics while they taught me important skills in life.  They taught me patience, hard work, kindness,  and a welcoming attitude.  They motivated me to come every week and to volunteer in other ways more often.  Because of how interested I was in this club, I earned the position of marketing manager and continue to uphold this position. 

OAK Pediatrics

Over the summer of 2022 and 2023, I spent 4-6 weeks per year volunteering at Oak Pediatrics.  Here, I filed papers, decorated and stocked rooms, and talked to patients.  I learned to appreciate medical workers and gained skills of patience and hard work by being exposed to doctors, nurses, and patients.  This experience was one I would recommend to all as it taught me both life and work skills.



In May 2022,  I volunteered at a town fair in Andover, Clowntown.  Here, I talked to children and other volunteers.  This experience was interesting in the way that I was on the other end of attending Clowntown.  It taught me an appreciation for the hard work that goes into working at one of these events.  It also allowed me to connect with my town more and be introduced to people I had not yet known but would continue to be my friends.