Immersive Experience


In April 2023, about 30 students including myself traveled to Portugal for 10 days.  During this time, we stayed in 5 different hotels in different towns and were exposed to new cultures in each.  We learned about native products to the country including but not limited to leather and sardines.  During our time, we had a designated breakfast and dinner by our tour guide while we were free to roam during the afternoon throughout the towns we stopped by and got our own food.  The experience taught me independence, a new culture, and part of the language.  Obrigada Portugal!

In July 2023, my family and I went to Paris for a week.  During the trip, we visited the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower, Champs Elysee, Palais de Versailles, Moulin Rouge, Notre Dame, and other destinations.  I tried French delicacies like escargots, crepes, croissants, foie gras, and more.  I spoke French for the majority of the time to restaurant workers and locals.  The trip taught me much about the culture and allowed me to compare customs in America vs. France. 


In May 2023, my family and I went to Montreal for 4 days.  During this time, we took a tour guide, visited churches, tried foods like poutine, and shopped.  We were exposed to the Canadian dialect of French and the different customs.  I witnessed small differences between the states and Canada like road signs.  It was interesting to see the way people treated one another as well.  I noticed that Montreal was much more hostile to tourists that didn't speak French than those that did.