Junior Presentations

Hello Juniors and families!

College Costs and Q & A.

What can you expect to pay?  How do families afford to send their children to college?

Most of the time, when people think of the main reason to go to college, it is due to information like what we see in the chart below.

The chart is accurate on average, but it doesn't tell an individual story.

College is many things.  It isn't just 4-year university.  It includes trade school, art school, community college, certification courses, licensing courses, and (obviously) 4-year universities.  If you go to the military, you take classes too!

The magic of your high school performance.


Better grades = More choices next year.

So, where are you now?  Look at your transcript.  Find your cumulative unweighted GPA.  

95% means that you are missing less than one class per month.

75% means that you are missing about 4.5 classes per month.

College... and your power to choose.

Basic senior timeline (university bound):

Basic senior timeline (Community College/Trade school bound):

Believe it or not, it is basically the same as above.  The only difference is that you will probably not see your financial aid offer until March or later.

Basic senior timeline (Military Bound):

Basic senior timeline (direct-to-work bound):

Early dates to know for High-Achieving Seniors.

Check your school email

I reach out to seniors at least once per week (sometimes more).  Students need to be active on their school emails next year.

What words do you think about when you think about life after high school?

link: https://wall.sli.do/event/pACZy42kCyncnxyyVAtXYv?section=185cde2a-27d6-4592-835f-d47448a7ff1d