Advertisement Analysis

When we first started in COMM-105, we were asked to compare and contrast advertisements that used the same color. Colors play a significant role in advertising as they can evoke emotions, convey messages, and influence consumer perceptions.

I chose this advertisement because of its creative concept and its simplicity. From the jump, you see the outline of a city skyline then the black key fob brings you to the advertiser, Ford. Personally, I think Ford’s use of color and light makes this advertisement. Behind the key, the blue background is lightened and has the effect of it being illuminated. I think the size of the main font is too small but I understand why it is the way it is. If the text were any bigger it would be taking away from the visual which is the main point of the ad. Additionally, the organization of the ad is overall very good, I do believe that the white bar on the bottom right is unnecessary because we know it is a Ford ad but I understand the need to actually say what model the car is. Overally, the color matching of the blue Ford logo and blue background with the dark fob and light key make this advertisement pleasing to the eye. The color contrast draws the eye exactly how the advertiser wants and it is an effective advertisement.

While this ad does not strictly fit in the blue color scheme, I just have to highlight it and hope that's okay! This ad is hilarious and I think it is such a good use of motion as well as wit. The ad was for The Sun’s $500,000 (pound) fantasy football tournament and that is immediately understood by the photo. The shorts the man is wearing contrast so well with the trees in the back and the white soccer ball. Additionally, the red connects to The Sun logo so the viewer automatically goes from the red shorts to the logo in the corner. The tagline is short and simple and the audience (young to middle aged) understand what the ad is for. I personally love sports and think a lot of sports ads/fantasy football ads are very masculine when that is not their only audience. Some ads (ex: DraftKings) are so hyper masculine that it cuts out a whole demographic of women. This ad has a quirky font, direct and witty tagline and an accurate photo that explains what the ad is for. If the logo for The Sun wasn’t there I would still know it was for a fantasy football thing. I love this ad and think that it shows a lot of character that is usually not seen in the world of sports. 

Another ad that doesn’t really fit in with the blue color scheme but I just had to highlight it! This ad is an example of thinking outside the box in a way that isn’t drastic. This ad is for a golf course and I think they killed it in the graphics department. I have a few problems with their formatting but I want to highlight the graphic and main text first. Even if you are completely unaware of golf, you know that the ball is hit and normally curves, and it is so creative to put the text in the curve format and have it get smaller towards the flag. I think the photo is aesthetically pleasing with the green and orange hues, it makes it feel like you can feel the sun going down on a summer day and it gives the ad the feeling of being out on a course, even if you have never been on one. Moving to the corner formatting, I don’t love how disorganized it is. I think the bottom makes sense but there is a lot of small, skinny text. The top 2 corners are busy and I feel like the top left could lose the logo and the right website could be moved to the bottom somewhere. The typography is amazing and simple and what you expect when you think of a luxury golf course. I love this ad and think it is such a creative way to advertise something to a specific audience. 

I chose this advertisement because of its creative concept and its simplicity. From the jump, you see the outline of a city skyline then the black key fob brings you to the advertiser, Ford. Personally, I think Ford’s use of color and light makes this advertisement. Behind the key, the blue background is lightened and has the effect of it being illuminated. I think the size of the main font is too small but I understand why it is the way it is. If the text were any bigger it would be taking away from the visual which is the main point of the ad. Additionally, the organization of the ad is overall very good, I do believe that the white bar on the bottom right is unnecessary because we know it is a Ford ad but I understand the need to actually say what model the car is. Overally, the color matching of the blue Ford logo and blue background with the dark fob and light key make this advertisement pleasing to the eye. The color contrast draws the eye exactly how the advertiser wants and it is an effective advertisement.