221013 My Favorite Things-Sapphira Renninger (VER16)_1.mp4

My Favorite Things video!

Here is my video! (IF YOU WANT TO WATCH ON YOUTUBE CLICK THIS LINK  youtu.be/8Ek2S-rSxlo) 

This video looks like something anybody can make, I mean you can, but it took alot steps to make it. First we wrote an essay (here in this page) all about our favorite things (you can do other stuff).Then we hunted down pictures that matched our favorite things, at first I chose multiple photos in order to choose a great one.Next we went into photoshop (photopea at first for intro) to make titles for our favorite things

The pictures above go to this essay

My Favorite Things Explained

Hello, I am Sapphira, and this is my Favorite Things project. I love mythical creatures, eaten so many tasty foods, and animals I love, I will talk about why they have a special meaning to me. I love these things and I hope you love them too.

       Mythical creatures are so amazing, but I was only allowed to choose three. My first favorite Mythical creature is Dragons. I like Dragons because they breathe fire, can fly, collect beautiful gems and gold, and some kinds are worshiped. I’m also reading a book about dragons called Wings of Fire. Fun fact my name is also from a dragon in a book. I also like phoenixes because they are beautiful creatures. They may be beautiful but if they were real there would be a lot of destruction from the fact that they are part fire. The last creature I like are pixies. They are like fairies but are bad. They do silly and mean tricks on people and others with their magic. I like them for their jokes, even though their jokes might be you getting stuck in a tree upside down. However, some pixies are good. They enjoy helping people and animals.

       I like food but there are only three types of food I love. The first one is cake. I love eating cake, but I don’t really like frosting. Frosting is a little too sugary for me. My favorite flavors of cake are chocolate, vanilla, and lemon. I like eating cake whenever I can, at birthdays or parties, even for breakfast I love eating cake. My second favorite type of food is pizza. Lot of people like pizza but I'm a picky pizza eater.  What I like on my pizza is black olives, bacon, and mushrooms, oh and don’t forget extra cheese! I like trying pizzas at different places because they have different tastes and types of toppings. Last of all my last favorite food is Junior Mints. I like minty chocolaty candy. I most often get this candy when I go to the movies. They’re very tasty, and I wish I could have them every day.                     

My favorite animals, well I chose tarantulas, cats, and wolves. I will talk about each animal here in this paragraph. The first one is tarantulas, now most people would think they're creepy or ugly. However, I think they're cute and fuzzy. I also think they're cool because of three facts. Fact one, when threatened or endangered they shoot little hairs that irritate the skin to ward off predators. Fact two, unlike most spiders who make webs tarantulas make their homes in a small burrow, filled with webs. Fact three, surprisingly tarantulas are very tidy, they sure don’t like a dirty home when they eat! My second favorite animal is the cat. I love cats, they are adorable loving creatures. Did you know that cats do cool tricks, even cooler than dog tricks? Unlike dogs who always want to please their master, cats are more chill and are more difficult to train than dogs. However, the big question is, do cats love us? The answer is yes! Cats love us not to “please their master” but to think of us as equals. The last animal is wolves. I like them in a spiritual way. They mean protection and strength, to never give up on one another. They are also wise and intelligent creatures, to share wisdom around the forest. I think it's wrong to hurt and blame (like the big bad wolf) these beautiful creatures for something they never did.

I would love to talk more about all my favorite things, but I must end this essay. This essay brought me ideas I have never thought of before. I hope this will give your ideas to think deeply about your favorite things and get new ideas. Well, I guess this is the end of my essay, I hope you enjoyed it!

Pictures I made in Photopea and edited in Photoshop