“There is only One Man Playing your Game, You!”        -Anonymous

Intro into MIT App Inventor

The first "app" we created was called HelloPurr. In my opinion it is a good option to use this tutorial for introducing MIT App Inventor. When you touch the cat (I just took a photo so it won't work) it would meow. This annoyed Mr. Hicks for all the periods when he taught this.

This is my icon for the Master App I created

These are the backgrounds for it. However I didn't make one for PaintPot.

Master App

This is the QR code to my Master App. It works best with Android phone

Each button in the home page is an "app". HelloCodi is a bee button. TalkToMe doesn't like being shaked, and it will say what you type aloud. BallBounce is explained in the name. DigitalDoodle is sort of the same as PaintPot but way more simple. PaintPot is the largest of the "apps" because it has the most code(*in photo below). Lastly, the About page/"app" is about me and includes this portfolio and the DATA website.

During the making of PaintPot I tried to make multiple coloring pages, however it just didn't work for me so I didn't  add that feature. I also thought that custom colors would be too much, so I left it as it is. I also made a successful mute button for my PaintPot. You're probably wondering, "why does a coloring app have a mute button?" Well, that's simple, when you press the color button it says its name aloud. My mute button was so good two people asked for the code!

I hope to make a successful game with my partner, Mason Qualls 3D modeler, that many people will enjoy. It is where you play as this warrior-guy and try to defeat the goblin king who has the Ring of Invincibility. We currently named it Adventures of a Wooden Warrior, but that will change. Make sure to keep an eye out in the app store for my game.
