Welcome to my vector art page! This page shows art that you can make online.

 This my Mission Patch that I made using Adobe Illustrator. This project was really easy because all I had to do was make the inside of the circle. This project was made into a sticker to show what my part was for a feild trip to the Scobee Center.

 This one was really confusing for me because I kept deleting the stand to hold the boat. 

Boat Ride 

This was my first animation using Adobe Animation. It was confusing at first but then I got it.


 This one was very hard because the head kept getting out of the frame. I had to ask for help for this one. 

 Animating Doll

 I made this animation. This was an easy animation to make because I got the hang of doing animations.

 Rocket flying to Earth

 This animation was fun and really easy to make. I was so excited to make it flip because I thought it would be funny.

 Flipping Pig

 Bouncing Ball

 This one was another one I made. I made it different from the original. This one took a long time because I used 105 frames. It doesn't look like it though.

 Nervous Emoji

 This Emoji was hard at first because I didn't understand how to make an emoji.

 Sad Emoji 

 This emoji was easier when I got more information about making  it using Adobe Illustrator.


 Silly Emoji

 When we were learning how to make emojis I thought of the silly emoji. When I thought of it I decided that I can make it.


 Vanellope Emoji

 This emoji project was based on the movie Wreck It Ralph. This project was naming the emoji assignment. It was really easy and fun to make.

 Sample Graphic

 This was really hard at first because I think this was the first time I used Adobe Illustrator. I didn't understand how to make the gradient and the lines.

 This was my first Vector art using Google Drawings. It was hard because I had to use so many lines and colors. I wanted to do Eevee even though I knew it was going to be hard.