Core Classes

 This is where you can read about my core classes and how they're like in my point of view!


 ELAR is a hard class for me because I'm not really good at remembering the vocabulary (like the pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and interjections.) I still like this class, it's nice and sometimes we do cool activities like using Greek and Latin root words to make new words. Click the down drop menu thing to see my memoir and other writings that I've made in this class during this year! ✌😊✌


This is my Mission patch. I made in this adobe illustrator. It got printed out and turned into a sticker so I can wear it for a field trip. The field trip was for an expedition to Mars. Science is a fun class our teacher Mrs. Nuckolls has 2 guinea pigs, 2 hedgehogs, and a bearded dragon. She has fun assignments to work on. Sometimes we even do labs in her class. My favorite lab we did was when school didn't even start and we made ice cream! 🍦

Social Studies

This is one of my assignments from social studies. Click here to go to the doc. Social studies is my 2nd favorite classes because our teacher is nice and she helps us when we need help. We are doing this project called "Create A World." The project is basically putting imagination and creativity in your own world. You put real world things and put them in your world but you ma it your own way.

Create a world

These are some of the parts of the project. This is a link to a doc when we first started this project.


 In math we do worksheets or exit tickets once we finished learning about the topics. We did the worksheet to help us prepare for the STAAR Test.

 This is the cheat sheet paper to help us remember on the homework. It helped me remember what to do, how to do it, and reminded me what the word(s) ment.

 This worksheet covered mostly everything that will be on the STAAR Test. We also had cheet sheets to help us remember what we've learned. It's not a real one that we used on the actuall STAAR Test, it helps us remeber what we learned. It's like a review and it was on our homework.