This is my 3D Models project page showing what 3D models I've made throughout the year. 

 This was my first project using SketchUp. It was confusing of how to make the cubes because they needed a specific size. It was also hard to make the cubes stack over each other but I got it in the end. After I stacked the cubes I put the 2D component Katherine Johnson on the top.

  I made this house using SketchUp. It was hard to make this house because it has small details in the windows. It was also fun to mess with the different colors and other small details like a doorbell, door knob, and smaller windows.

 These are the pictures of my projects. I took the images from sketchUp. These projects were fun to make. I also put a happy face on the door knob.😃

 This is a picture of my Simple House that I made in SketchUp. I moved the house into Blender. I made some changes to my Simple House in Blender to make the colors more vibrant instead of a pastel.

 This is my house that I made in SketchUp. I moved it into Blender where it has shadows to make the house look a little realistic. I changed the colors to make them look more vibrant.

 This is an image of my Unpainted Modern Art. This is my UNPAINTED Modern Art 1. It was fun to mess around with line tool and the shapes. 

This is my Painted Modern Art.  This is my painted version of my Modern Art. I put colors than just one. In this one I got to mess around with the different colors instead of just using one color. I also changed some of the shapes. 

230301 10 second Modern Art - Magana Emma.mp4

This is my video of my modern art in blender. The camera keyframe in blender was really hard because I couldn't get it right. The camera wouldn't get the model in the video box. I got it in the end though.

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