Typing speed 

My typing speed is good in tech apps we have typing test were we just type with all our fingers the we jus she how many words per minute you can type and what is your acracy and Mr.Gonzales grades you bassed of that.

SEVASTIAN JIMENEZMENDEZ - EC015 XL Pixel Art [1200x1200px] Blank

Pixel Art

Pixal art was fun to make and i though it was gonna be hard but it wasent.My Pixel art was great for my first time but i only made one the only thing is that it takes a lot of time especially if you make it with a lot of details.Pixal art is a very good thing to make and fun.

Vector Art

In Mr. Gonzales you learn many things like photoshop, Being a good digital citizen, and many more but fine of the things you learn is vector art. Vector art was kind of hard to make because you have to trace a image with a tool but if you do something wrong you have to start all over again. My vector art didn't look great but it was my first time.