
Be a leader, not a follower 

DATA is a great place to make friends and its a great environment, teachers are very good people to students they OFER A LOT OF TOTURING  to kids that are struggling  with a subject.DATA is a great place to mak efriends when i first went to DATA i had no friends but tru at the year i made amny friends and you just nee to have the coruge to talk to people evryone is a good person at DATA.

About m e

Hello I am  a 6th Grade Data student at Ed white. I am a person that is energetic I like to have fun I LOVE TO SKATEBOARD and SWEET TEA. I am a person that loves technology one of my favorite thigs that I learned this year was 3D modeling because its so fun and you  make your model unique. I am a very nice person that is very positive.