Hello Codi - We made many things for our app and the first one we made was Hello Codi.Hello Codi was a great one to start with, it wasent hard at all you just needed to watch the tutorial they gaved you.In Hello Codi you just have to insert a picture and a sound and when you click the image I'll make the buzz sound.

Ball Bounce - The second thing we made in MIT App inventor was Ball Bounce. The point of ball bounce was that you have to swipe the screen then the ball well bounce everywhere. You can change the speed of the ball because at first the ball moved so slow and it was bad but I made it a good speed. BallBounce was a other easy one because there weren't a lot of blocks and not a lot of buttons.

Talk To Me - The third thing we made in MIT App Inventor was Talk To Me. Now Talk To Me was a little hard to make because you had to make a text box and what you put in the box it said it out loud. It was hard for me because the first time I made it was wrong so I had to do it again. You also had to make it say something when you sake it and that one was nice.

About Screen - The Fourth thing we had to make was a about screen in our app but that one was really easy to make because I made one in my portfolio so I just had to copy it from my portfolio then go to my app then just paste it there. The about screen had to scroll so we had to make it long.

Digital Doodle - The 5th thing we did was Digital Doodle it was really essay to make at first because we just had to add a drawing canvas then code it to when we touch the canvas it starts to draw and we also just had to make a return to home button. Then it got a little hard for me because I wanted to add colors because it was just one color and I wanted to have options so I made a wipe bottom then I made the colors but sometimes I ran out of space on the screen then I made some  buttons not visible but when I did it I'll  mess it up so I had to make it again and that happened to me a lot till I found out what was the problem and the problem was that evry time I made the wipe bottom not visible I'll make everything go away. I eventually did the colors for digital doodle and it was perfect.

Paint Pot - The last thing we did was Paint Pot it was hard because there so much to it we had to make a lot of blocks then we had to make a lot of buttons.The point of paint pot was that we just add a picture like a coloring book then we put some colors in so we can color the picture but at the same time when you press the color I'll say the name of the color and I though  that was gonna be hard  but it wasent you just had to add a text to spech and what that did was that evrytime you cliked the color red I'll say "Red".Then we had to add a magic button and what the magic button did was that I'll make a cool afect like when you draw it made diffrent colors so it looked cool.All of the worck we did was hard but it all paid off at the end.

 QR Code

This is the QR Code to get to my app you just need to scan it then I'll take you to my app, then you can play with my app.