Hello, welcome to my DATA ( Design and Technology Academy)  website! I am Jaxson Haverlock and this is where I will put all my work from my tech classes and my core classes as a DATA student. (HELPFUL TIPS if you want the videos to be at highest quality go in to the settings in the video and go to quality and put it to the highest, also to see the Google docs fully press the expand button at the top right)

Try to find the secrets!

HINTS: There's 2 on 'Home'.  A hint on 'My Favorite Things'.  1 on 'Vector Art'.  And 2 on '3D Modeling'. 1 On  'About'.

For an easy challenge try to look for the wombat.

Any issues (or) suggestions please tell me here.

Did you enjoy my portfolio? If you have any answers tell me here.

Is this the secret?