This header was made using Adobe Express.

This is what my apps home screen (Screen 1) looks like from the computer. (In the real app you can't see all the lines and squares.) I made 7 different screens, Home screen (Screen 1), Hello Codi, Talk to me, Ball Bounce, Paint Pot, Snake, and About Screen.

Home (Screen 1) is where you can go to any of the other screens by clicking their names.

Hello Codi: Is a picture of a dog and if you click it, the dog barks.

Talk to me: Is where there's a textbox and you can type in it.

Ball Bounce: Is a ball that you can move by dragging it and making it bounce off of walls.

Paint Pot: Is a picture of a monster truck and several options of colors you can pick to draw on it. There's a wipe button to clear the canvas. There's also a button to go to a blank canvas, with a button next to it to go back to the monster truck canvas.

Snake: This is just a custom version of the game Snake. If you don't know what snake is click here.

The About screen: Is what is on my about page on this portfolio, it talks about DATA, and me!

In MIT app inventor (what we used to make our apps) there is a 'Blocks' button at the top to let you go to the coding part of your app. Without coding your app you couldn't do anything. You need to code your app to go to different screens, make a sound, basically everything. There you can code where a certain button takes you and if you want people to be able to draw on your app.

The way I took the pictures of the 'Blocks' is by right clicking and them pressing  'Download Blocks  as Image'. (I just took a screenshot of this.)

This is what just my Home screens coding looks like.

This is what my most complicated screen; Paint Pot, looks like so far. (Zoom in to see the coding.)

Here if you scan the QR code  you can download my app.