This header was made by using Adobe Firefly.

This is my ELAR monster that I animated in Adobe Illustrator and put it into a video in Adobe After Effects.

2415 ELAR Monster - Jaxson Haverlock.mp4

This is My MP4 final video for my ELAR monster. It's better quality than the GIF.

I made my ELAR monster at the beginning of the year. This is my ELAR monster before I made it in to a GIF. (This was it in Adobe Photo Shop after I made the lines more visible.)  

This is my emoji that a made in Adobe Illustrator. 

It was all I could do because I ran out of time to complete it. (I was trying to make the rock face.)

This is my Sample Graphic that I made when we first got done with My Favorite Things. I did this in Adobe Illustrator.

This is my Shape Sampler. I made this to discover what Adobe Illustrator can do with shapes. The circle with the spikes is a 100 sided star, you could even make a 10,000 sided star.

This is my bird house that I made in Adobe Illustrator I didn't get to finish it by I got this far in it.