Tech Apps

Graded work (I will not be putting a image with each assignment)

Sep 20, 2023

This is my very first assignment in Mr.Gonzalez's class (Tech Apps). I did this assignment with Amaite Alvarez. 

OCT 25, 2023

The next assignment was 012, which was a scavenger. We had to find answers to different questions using only the tools in google docs.

OCT 27, 2023

This was the day that I created the heading for the actual assignment 014.

NOV 9, 2023

November ninth was the last day that I edited 014, I think it was also the day I turned it in.

NOV 17, 2023

I don't know what day I started this study guide, but I finished the U4 quiz review on 231117.

The rest

Unfortunately I do not have time to finish this page, but here is a quick summary:

We learn how to work in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, pretty much all the google products, and much (much) more, we also learn to type in this class.