Welcome to my 3D modeling page! I made part if this header in SketchUp for Schools (the 3D modeling part). For most of these images I will have most likely used SketchUp for Schools. Here is a link! SketchUp for Schools

This is my very first project in the 3D modeling unit! These cubes are exactly the same besides the size. For every cube I just added five feet to each side.

This is my house in the beginning stages of construction. In that picture you see there is zero color, there is also no border on the roof. 

This is my house soon after it, but it still does not look the same as the one in the video. This was just ONE of our many checkpoints.

This is a more detailed view of the same picture! In this photo you can see that the door frame is black which I change because we are NOT allowed to use black.

Spinning House 240131 Ardin Doublin.mp4

This is a more finalized version of my house! It is just a few scenes so you can see the whole house from numerous angles.

240213 Simple House 10 second Spin 100 percent Ardin Doublin0001-0300.mp4

This a video of my simple house spinning for ten seconds. I made this in Blender by putting keyframes in certain places and rotating the house from zero to three sixty and back to zero degrees

This is my 3D model painted in SketchUp. That model has every color option in SketchUp.

This is my 3D model unpainted in SketchUp. In this image you may be able to see the places were the model dips and most of the little crevices. I used many tools but to make the crevices and the ups and downs I used the offset tool.

This is a rendered image of my 3D model in blender. You can't see all the parts of my model but that is what my video is for. I used cycles to make this image very, very, VERY clear. To be honest it is already going to be really clear, but cycles makes it so much better!

240229 3D Model Spinning for 10 Seconds Ardin Doublin 2.00001-0300.mp4

This is the full view video of my 3D model spinning while the camera goes above it. Here is a summary of the video: the model does a three sixty then slowly turns back. While this is happening the camera goes above the model so you can see what is going on on top of the model.

When watching the video I would recommend going to setting on the bar below the red line showing what you have watched, and then going to quality and changing the quality to 1080p HD.

240328 Final Background Removal Video Ardin Doublin.mp4

This is one of the final products of my 3D animation with the background removal. I have added transitions, the text, the background, and the model spinning.