Made with Adobe Fireflyย 

Welcome to my Vector Art! It was defiantly a challenge, but this was SO fun to make! I have always wanted to do this, and the fact that I did makes this program so much more fun! I really recommend doing this, and even joining the DATA program to learn it! Anyway, enjoy!๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’œ

231215 ELAR Monster Animated Loop - Arya Connolly.mp4

Here is the Monster I made in E.L.A.R, but turning into a gif. I do suggest watching it on 720p or higher for a better experience. If you were wondering I did make a nose and mouth, but sadly they were deleted when making this.

This was the drawing I made and started with, also known as the original, and as you can see there was a nose and a mouth but like I said they did not make it. I also did change somethings as you can also see. And I did not have time to make all the little lines on the wings. There is a faster way to make the lines but like I said didn't have time, I was on a trip to New York and missed 3 days if you were wondering.

This is my Shape Sampler, where I made weird shapes and designs with different extra extensions.ย ย 

This is the emoji I made using Adobe. I did not make it look like me if you were wondering. My eyes are blue, but I wanted to try something new. We made the emojis by turning the Sample Graphic yellow and adding/deleting things.

This is the first thing we made for our Vector Art folder. This is my Sample Graphic, which is what I used to create my emoji.

This is just a little extra project I did but did not finish. This is my Bird Tutorial (or the start), and if you want to try it you can find it in Adobe Illustrator. It was a pretty fun project, and I recommend it when you finished all your work, or something to do in your free time.ย