The header made above was made in Photoshop! We got to work on it in Tech Apps for extra credit, but I was more excited on putting it on my portfolio!👆

I have learned over my time in DATA that some people don't know what E.L.A.R means. (By people I mean my family whenever I say it to them :Love you guys😄🥰, and also me at the beginning of the year. 😅😂 Also maybe most of you reading this) So I will not leave you in confusion my friends! E.L.A.R stands for English, Language, Arts, and Reading. Anyway on to the main part! (sorry I took so long to explain😅) E.L.A.R is a lot of fun if you love writing, reading, sharing work and ideas, and working in groups! We have done a few essays (Which are listed down below) this year that I can't wait to show you! (Even though I didn't even share them to the class: Except for the persuasive essay/spoiler!, but I'm sharing them to you: I have no idea who is reading this unless you tell me😅) And if you do join DATA remember this in ALL the classes. (Check the home page to know more about DATA and Ed White!) "You never fail until you stop trying." Quote, Albert Einstein. Just don't stop tying and you WILL make it through the year! And hey if you don't think anyone believes you, then think again because you have one person right here who always will! (ME!!!)

🖼️Images Used For Header🖼️

⚠⚠ I DO NOT own these pictures! Rightful owners credits are below pictures. Please list the credit if you do use the picture. Thank you to the following websites for the awesome pictures!⚠⚠

This image can be seen on the left top hand corner

Click link down below for picture/website

E.L.A.R Picture #1 Link

E.L.A.R Picture

This image can be seen on the right top hand corner

Click link down below for picture/website

E.L.A.R Picture #2 Link

This image can be seen on the bottom left hand corner

Copy of ARYA CONNOLLY - Hatchet Mini-Essay 2023
Copy of ARYA CONNOLLY - Narrative Retelling 2023
Copy of ARYA CONNOLLY - My Persuasive Essay 2023
Copy of ARYA CONNOLLY - My Memoir
240530 ARYA CONNOLLY - My Fiction Story (with my monster and root words in it)

If you would like me to continue the story answer the questions below!!👇

Work In Progress As Of:


Will be done soon!😄