Made with Adobe Firefly 

Before you start reading, a special thanks to Sketchup for Schools, ScreenPal, and Blender for making this project possible.❤️

Made With Adobe Firefly


Sketchup for schools is a great way to learn how to make all different types of 3D modeling. I can easily say that this was one of my favorite projects in the DATA program. you learn how to use different tools, ideas, and different ways to make a house. And one more credit to ScreenPal that helped make the video possible. Now with that enjoy my 3D Model House!

Cube Exercise Mini Project

What I learned from the Cube exercise is the different key board shortcuts and how much they come in handy when working with SketchUp. I also learned easy ways to make different shapes, and how to use the line tool.


This is the first draft of my house. As you can see it doesn't have the lines or colored background taken out for the picture. This is because before I finished this project we didn't learn that, so this is a great way to see how I improved over time.

Painted House Version One 

These three images are my painted house. But if you look down you can see that there are more pictures below this. This is because I made a sudden decision to change the brown outer frame of the window to a white outer frame because I didn't think it matched or even looked good.

Painted House Version Two/ Final Version

This is the final version of my painted house. As you can see the white looks better than the brown. But it also made me late for an assignment. So a little tip, don't change things suddenly, change them right when you see something you don't like, or that you need to fix.

Here is a carousel of my pictures!

Here is the final video of my house in Sketch Up!

(And yes, I know it has the brown windows)

240125 Simple House Scene Animation Arya Connolly.mp4

And now the Final Version of my painted house!!!!

240214 Simple House 10 second spin 100 percent Arya Connolly.mp4

This Final version was made with "Blender", which in simple ways, pretty much makes things more realistic. Overall this was a very fun project and I am very much looking forward to look back on this and see what I did years ago!

Here is were I made my 3D model! I'm still coming up with a name for it.😅

And another big thank you to Blender and Sketch Up for Schools for making this possible! 

All of the models were made with Sketch Up For Schools. I used the videos provided on DATA TECH STUDIOS to start the base of my model. Then started off by myself and experimented with different ideas. This is what I ended up with! 


This was the first model I made because I wanted to test things out first, and get a good idea, then work on my final model.



Then I painted it and I am second thinking if I should have used this one for my final model, but that's ok!


Then I decided to make another practice model, because I needed more ideas!


And after I painted it I loved it, but I do like my first pratice model more.


Now here we are my final model! This is the one I choose for my final, one because I was running out of time to make one, and two because I wanted a certain look for it and my first two were not to ones. Now that I look at it though, I wish I used my first one🙁. But that's ok because I am still proud of how this one turned out😊!


Ok, here is it painted version! I do like it more in color I just wish there was more detail. But it's perfectly fine! I love it!

Here is My final video! Made with blender, sketch up for school, adobe illustrator, adobe Premiere, and adobe effects!

240328 Model Animation with Background - Arya Connolly.mp4

As you can see the little structures (look at pictures below) are a different color (Pink to Blue), that is because it got changed suddenly and I couldn't fix it. but I am still very happy on how it turned out!