"I came in not knowing anything about designing or programing but that didn't matter DATA still came in and made it easy for me to learn and grow along side those who came in with a lot of knowledge." -Jorge De La Cerda

About Me

You may be wondering who is this majestic God like being who made everything you see and that you are dyeing to know more about who is definitely not a loser( I really am but I might as well pretend like I am not). My name is Jorge De La Cerda and I go to a special school that teaches us on how to do things like making an app along with many other things in the world of technology. Some fun facts about me is that I am in debate and as of today I have played the viola for two years as well as I want to work in the film industry or be a writer when I get older. Some not so fun facts about myself is that I am afraid of spiders, tarantulas, mites, and scorpions basically I am a wuss.

About DATA

You know that special school I talked about awfully vague like well that school is what this section is about so here you go.  I go to Ed White Middle School 7800 Midcrown, San Antonio  TX specifically I am apart if the DATA program. Here at DATA things are worth it almost everything here is fun and everything that isn't is always some sort of learning experience. The DATA staff for the most part are really good people here is a list of them (LIST). What makes DATA even more amazing is the fact that once you finish DATA middle school you can go to the DATA highschool program.