MIT App Inventor

to create apps here in DATA 6th grade we use MIT app inventor the first app and at the time of writing the only app I have made was made using this. My app has taken a while to make it was a long process but I have made it to the best of my abilities and I plan on making improvements and possibly making a new app.

PNG Of Blocks

This is the blocks or commands used to make my app if you yourself use MIT app inventor which is a free online website feel free to replicate these blocks to use in any app you may be working or plan to work on.

Master App

Main Screen

Paint Pot

Hello Codi

Digital Doodle

Ball Bounce


`Talk To Me


Master Map

Version 1.0

This is were I will be posting QR codes to apps I make.

Building Process

Master App

The building process for the master app was a long process about a month. If you don't know a master app is an app with a bunch of little apps,
