Business Truck

This is a page that will show you my "Make A Truck Business Project"  were I made a fake (sadly) business out of a truck. Hope you enjoy.  


This is the logo for my business "Bulls Barbacoa" (Flavor's Raised Here) this was made in Canva using a template. This did not take that long it was pretty simple just make some text with a good font and picture Bada Bing Bada boom your done.


This was the second part of the project which was to design a menu for your truck. This was also made in Canva and incorporates my catch phrase Flavor's Raised Here. As you can see it is very simple because sadly we were only limited to 3 categories and 3 items on each category. 

Hiring Poster

This was not originally a part of the project but my teacher said you shall not have a free day and assigned this to us. ("YAY" were definitely not my words however it was a lot more fun than I expected) I made this in Canva with a template I deleted 90% of so it is pretty much completely original. I like it personally however while making it I had no idea what to put for benefits. (yes I did just find out after writing this that I misspelled hiring)

Food Truck

This is my food truck design and is my magma opposes. (I think this is how you spell magma opposes but I am not sure) Look at the "creativity" of this peace no all jokes aside it is okay I think there could have been more but we did not have a long time to work on it so all in all it is pretty good.  There was not a lot of steps in making this it was mainly put some pictures and some pretty colors.