Welcome to my Android Apps web page. This page includes the app I made with MIT App Inventor.

This is a QR Code to download and try out my app if you'd like. 

NOTE : This app only works on Android devices. If you don't have access to an Android device, I have a video at the bottom of this webpage. This is so you may at least see the app in action, instead of just photos.


This is the Menu screen. From here, you can access every part of my app.

These are the blocks or code to the Menu screen. It says that whenever one of the buttons is clicked, it will open another screen/part of the app. The first button leads to Hello Codi. Button_Exit closes (or exits) the app.

Hello Codi (Catty)

The code for Hello Codi (Catty) is actually very simple. It says that whenever the button (cat picture) is clicked, it plays a sound. Note for every screen - Button_Menu takes the user back to the Menu screen.

Talk To Me

Talk To Me is the Text-To-Speech (TTS) part of the app. You can type anything and it will say it out loud to you. To make my app different, I also added a Spanish version. There's a little secret if you shake the device. Note - Sadly the Spanish version doesn't work on some device depending on the settings, but it does on mine as shown in the video.

Ball Bounce

To be honest, Ball Bounce is probably the least exciting part if my app. It's basically just a ball bouncing around the screen like the DVD logos. The code says that when you swipe your finger in a direction, the ball will go that direction. Everytime it reaches an edge of the screen it "bounces."

Paint Pot

Paint Pot is single-handedly the most complicated part of my app as you see in the code. I'll try to break it down as best as I can. On the left, it has the code for the canvas. It says that whenever it senses your finger touching the screen, it will create a dot. When you drag, the dots become lines. Towards the middle, it has the code for those colored rectangles in the top right corner. It says that when you click one of the color buttons, it will change the color of the dots and read the name if it out loud unless it's muted. On the right, it has the code for the Clear, Unmuted/Muted Switch, and Erase buttons. Clear clears the screen of the drawings you've made. It gives a notification before it clears incase you click the button by accident. There's also a notification for the Menu button; again so you don't lose your work by accident. The Unmuted/Muted Switch mutes the sound of the color buttons if you get annoyed. The Erase button is pretty self-explanatory. Then, there's the Magic button (the rainbow one next to Menu), which selects a random color dot and changes as you color.

Magic 8 Ball

The Magic 8 Ball was pretty easy to code. Basically whenever you shake the device, the Magic 8 Ball gives you a random response like a real one. For the code, I put 6 response that will play at random. The switches at the bottom let you mute the TTS and Sound Effect.


About was the simplest part of the app. I didn't really have to code much. The part that I had to code was the DATA Website and Digital Portfolio buttons. The DATA Website button leads you to the DATA Website. The Digital Portfolio button leads you to this website, My Digital Portfolio.

Video Demonstration Of My App

240516 Android App Demonstration - Galilea Velez.mp4