Welcome to my 3D Models web page. This page includes all the 3D Models I made in SketchUp and then imported into Blender.

240129 Simple House Scenes Galilea Velez.mp4

How I Made The House : I started by making a 12ft by 30ft rectangle with the Rectangle Tool. Next to the first rectangle, I made a 20ft by 10ft rectangle. I combined the two rectangles and used the Push/Pull Tool to pull it up 10ft. I looked at the shape from the bottom and used the Offset Tool to offset it by 6in. I added a roof and chimney. I made a 4-pane window, but as a component instead of a group, so that I could edit all the windows at the same time instead of one-by-one. I added a door with a detailed door knob and a trim.

How I Made The Video : I started by adding scenes in SketchUp. I used ScreenPal to record this video.

240108 Side-by-Side Cubes - Galilea Velez

How I Made The Side-by-Side Cubes: I started by making 5' x 5', 10' x 10', 15' x 15', and 20' x 20' rectangles. I pulled the rectangles up so they are cubes.

240108 Stacked Cubes - Galilea Velez

How I Made The Stacked Cubes: I used the Move Tool to stack the cubes from smallest to largest on top of each other.

240118 UNPAINTED Simple House - Galilea Velez

240125 Dimension Simple House Front - Galilea Velez

240125 Dimension Simple House Detail - Galilea Velez

240122 PAINTED Simple House - Galilea Velez

240125 PNG Simple House Detail - Galilea Velez

240215 Blender Simple House Front - Galilea Velez

240215 Blender Simple House Detail - Galilea Velez

240220 House Spin 10 Second - Galilea Velez.mkv

240220 House Spin 10 Second - Galilea Velez

How I Made The 10 Second Video : I started at frame 1 and keyframed the house to start at 0°. Then I went to frame 90 and keyframed the house to turn 360° which is what made it turn all the way around. At frame 300 (the last one), I keyframed the the house to turn back to 0°. This made the house turn quickly to the right and then slowly to the left. Since the house starts and finishes at 0°, this creates a perfect loop.

240220 10 Second Imploding Simple House - Galilea Velez.mkv

240220 10 Second Imploding Simple House - Galilea Velez

How I Made The Imploding Video : I started at frame 300 and keyframed each individual part of the house to start at its default position. I went to frame 1 and keyframed each part into different positions. This is how I got the effect of the pieces coming together to form one house.

240326 Modern Art Model VIDEO - Galilea Velez.mp4

240326 Modern Art Model VIDEO - Galilea Velez

How I Made The Titled Video : I started by rendering my 3D Model with a green background (green screen). I put the video in Adobe Premiere and used Ultra Key to remove the green background, and leaving just the Sock Puppet model. In Adobe After Effects, I made the stars with bubbles background along with the text. I imported the After Effects composition into Premiere. The original green background video was only 10 seconds long, so I duplicated it 2 more times to make it longer. I reversed the second one so it makes a smooth back and forth loop. Finally, I exported the video with Adobe Media Encoder.

240304 EEVEE Modern Art Model 10 Second Spin - Galilea Velez.mkv

240305 EEVEE Modern Art 10 Second Spin - Galilea Velez

240305 CYCLES Modern Art 10 Second Spin - Galilea Velez.mp4

240305 CYCLES Modern Art 10 Second Spin - Galilea Velez

Some questions you might be asking are : What's Eevee? What's Cycles? What's the difference between them?

Eevee and Cycles are both rendering modes in Blender, but Eevee is known for working faster. Eevee is used for previews, animations, and quick renders. Cycles is used for more photorealistic and accurately lit renders.

You can find more information here

240221 UNPAINTED Modern Art Model - Galilea Velez

240221 PAINTED Modern Art Model - Galilea Velez

Since I made an implosion video for the Simple House; I decided to make one for the Modern Art Model as well

240306 Modern Art Model Implosion - Galilea Velez.mkv

240306 EEVEE Modern Art Model Implosion - Galilea Velez