My sample graphic which was the first thing I ever made in Adobe Illustrator.

I also made this using my sample graphic and just changing the colour pallet. And made this in Adobe Illustrator

This is my shape sampler where I messed around using different effects on shapes. I also used Adobe Illustrator to make these.

My first emoji I made in Adobe Illustrator, I had a lot of fun making this.


ELAR Monster

This was my original drawing I made in ELAR

This was the modified version so that I could see it better

This is my ELAR monster that I redrew in Adobe Illustrator. I also added colours since my original drawing I did not colour.

This is the same animation has my video one, expect it's a GIF. I made this GIF by putting my animation through Media Encoder and changed the setting to a GIF.

This was my second attempt on making it loop so it doesn't pause and start again.

231215 ELAR Monster - Ashlyn Manuel.mp4

This is my first animated version of my ELAR monster I used Adobe After Effects, this is was not my final since it didn't loop properly. 

240105 ELAR Monster - Ashlyn Manuel (FINAL VIDEO).mp4

This is my second and final video that I edited so that it loops nicely.