240327 Revised sped up stars BG Model Animation Ashlyn Manuel.mp4

This is my second and final version of my video, I changed something's like fixing my keyframes of the stars going faster to slower, I also changed the transition out, although I do like my first video's ending transition I do think that this new one is a bit better.

240322 Sped up stars BG Model Animation Ashlyn Manuel.mp4

This is my video draft that was rendered with cycles, and added on top of a star background. I made this star background in Adobe After Effects  by using a solid colour and adding a star effect on top. I did two different colours for the stars, I made some white and the others a dark purple. The dark purple stars are a little bit smaller and more spread out so that the white stars don't over lap it. I also made the dark purple stars smaller because I wanted them to be kind of part of the background unlike how the white stars.  I also key framed the stars so that they move faster in the beginning to look like you're traveling through space fast and then you slow down when you get to the model.  I then took the stars and model into Adobe Premiere Pro, remove the background of the model and put it on top of the stars so it looks like its traveling through space. I also added credits at the beginning for the programs I used, I also made the credits look like the the ones from Star Wars since it's a space themed. 

240307 Model Cycles Animation Video (draft) Ashlyn Manuel 0001-0300.mp4

This is my second video, rendered with cycles. Using cycles you can see the effects I used, like the glow which is used in the inner parts. And you can also see the metallic I added on the walls. 

This is a rendered picture of my model using cycles. Using cycles makes the materials I added look better. I made the inner parts glow, because I wanted it to look like there's light coming in from between the walls.  I also made all the other walls and triangles metallic so it looks shiny, I was going to make it more reflective like a mirror but if I did make it more reflective it would've gotten rid of the colour, and I wanted to keep my model colourful. Originally I was going to make the metallic pieces glass but that also got rid of colour.

😍🤪👹🥺👽🙉 -Violet

240307 Model Animation Video evee (draft) Ashlyn Manuel 0001-0300.mp4

This was my first draft of my model, I used evee to render it in blender so the glow and metallic doesn't look the best.

 3D House

240216 Simple House 10 second Spin 100 percent Ashlyn Manuel0001-0300.mp4

This is my house in Blender spinning around once, and then slowly spinning back the other way. I made it spin by keyframing it to spin a 360 at 90 frames, and at 300 frames I  put it back to 0, so it spins back and spins back slower so you can get a better look at it. Before I made this video I did some touch ups like changing the colour of the blues, so it was easier to see, since when I imported the house you couldn't see things like the light blue. I also changed the colour of the window from white to the light yellow so that it looked like the house was glowing inside. And made "Manny" darker so it was more noticable. This simple colour changing was challenging since there was a lot wrong with my house like there was a group inside a group. And also had to change the light blue darker in Sketchup since when it showed up has white in Blender and when I tried to change the colour in Blender it also changes the window panels since they were both "white". Also changed the window panels to a yellow so it's not just white and also doesn't change colour with the light blue. The reason I didn't change the outline of the bottom of the house and the edge of the roofing is because that's not actually white, it's a texture that looks just plane white. I do prefer the light yellow window panels because it gives more of a cozy feeling and I like that.  Another thing I had to do was change the lighting a little bit so it wasn't so bright to where the house was white. And had to dim it to where there was shadow but not to dark that you couldn't see the house. I also had to change the camera view so that my whole house could fit without getting out of frame when spinning the house.

240131 Painted house scene animation 2.0 Ashlyn Manuel.mp4

A video of my house so you can see the full house. I used ScreenPal to record. And in Sketchup I made 5 scenes showing different parts of my house and then playing the scenes while recording my screen with ScreenPal  and letting it loop at least twice. And when I was done I edited the video after so that it would start and end at the same scene. I also did some other things like adding my name in the top right corner. 

This is my first coloured version of my house, I went for a pretty simple house with light colours. I also played around with the colours of bricks and roofing. Originally they were not grey or light purple, I changed the colouring of textures myself. My first painting of my house was originally a pink theme, so like all the blue details such has the windows and door was actually pink, but changed it later on to be this.

This is my second version of the house, I added a couple of new things details. The door sign and a keypad to open the house.

A close up to the new things I added, Manny is a nickname for Manuel, and if you don't know Manuel is my last name. And also added a pin code for the house after seeing other people do something similar. Making the numbers on the pin code was probably the most difficult thing when making it because with the freehand tool my hands were super shaky. And with the line tool it didn't look quite right but I still ended up using it. I used 3D text tool for the sign on the door. And looking back at it now I could've used the 3D text to make the keypad. The X on the keypad was supposed to be red but is orange because the colours weren't loading and so I just used orange.

This was my first attempt at rendering my house, and I don't like it very much but it was my first try at rendering only using a video tutorial. 

This is a close up to my house, I took this before I made the extra details, but you can see my simple door knob that I made. There's also my half circle window that I made. I actually made the rectangle windows off of the house and then moved it on to house and copied them onto the wall by rotating them.

My unpainted house, I did extra things like the circle window and the half circle window. I also added some simple details like curving the windows and curvuing some of the edges on the outline of the house.

3D Cubes & Name

I also stacked my cubes after, I struggled a lot when stacking them because they wouldn't go on one another properly. I also couldn't get them in the middle perfectly, but after some messing around I got it.

My first project in Sketchup making 4 different cubes, 5x5,10x10,15x15 and 20x20. I made these by first making simple 2D squares with their measurements and then using the push a pull tool to make it 3D. And before I made the cubes I wrote my name. I switched between using the line tool and the freehand tool. Like with the A and M I used the line tool and the other freehand or both. For Manuel I wrote the A different because it was easier doing it that way.