App Inventor

This is my multi-app that you can download using this QR code (this only works on androids NOT Apple) This is an app that I made using MIT App Inventor. I made 4 different apps called Talk to Me, Ball Bounce, Hello Codi and Digital Doodle/Paint pot. I made these apps by using different screens for each app that has a button to it. And I coded it using things called blocks.

Paint Pot/ Digital Doodle

This my Paint pot/Digital doodle blocks that codes the app so it can let you draw. The blocks in the center that are all grouped together are the colour blocks that allows you to draw with a different colours when chosen. The colour blocks also say the name of the colour when touched (I did that by using the text to speech option), but you can also mute it if you don't want it to say the name (It mutes because when the mute button is touched it changes the text to speech to false).  I also put a custom button so that you're able to make your own custom colours and choose your own colour for the background. Those blocks in the bottom right, the 3 long ones are so that when you move the colour sliders it either adds values of green, blue or red to it depending on which slider you move. There are other blocks like the notifiers that asks if you really want to clear the canvas or return to menu. There's also blocks that let you choose a different background like a colouring page, I did this by making a list with the images and when you click the button it chooses a random background from that list. An extra thing I put was the magic button that when you draw its a random colour each time.

Other Apps

These are my blocks from my other apps. These apps are obviously simpler compared to Paint pot and use a lot less blocks. These are the bocks to Hello Codi, ball bounce and talk to me. Ball bounce is at the top, and basically all the app does is let you fling a ball, I was able to do that by using when the ball is flung block and just adding the speed and heading. The blocks on the bottom is the Talk to Me which lets you type in a box and when you press the button it says what you type out loud. It also says what you typed when you shake your device, I did that by putting a Accelerometer sensor which basically just senses when you shake the device. The last blocks on the top right is the Hello Codi, which was very simple blocks that play the buzzing sound when you click the photo.