My Emoji

My Emoji

I made this emoji in the time-span of about 2-3 days. I didn't know what kind of emoji to make, so I just waited till I made the mouth to change everything.

My Sample Graphics

My First Saple Graphic

We made these during week 13. This was the starter to get used to using Adobe Illustrator.

Recolored Sample Graphic

I copied another 5 of the sample graphics, and tested out different ways to color them.

Shape Sampler

Shape Sampler

Another way we practiced using Adobe Illustrator was trying all the different drawing tools.

My ELAR Monster Evolution

My ELAR Monster Before

I drew this monster as one of my first assignments in ELAR. I had no clue what to make that needed to have 5 heads, 20 eyes per head, 7 feet, 9 arms, and 2 bodies. This is what I made, it is not amazing but it was all I could think of. I think it was a great learning experience with how to understand what I'm doing so I can do my work with a plan.

My ELAR Monster After

I used Adobe Illustrator to make this version of my monster. I ended up completely redoing my monster twice because I had used the blob brush for EVERYTHING, when really the blob brush was really only needed for the body. I then used the pencil to make everything look better and more accurate. I did have some trouble with outlining some of them but it definitely turned out way better than I expected.

240104 ELAR MONSTER - Jazmyn Gloria.mp4

My ELAR Monster (Video Version)

I made this video in around a week. I think I did a pretty good job making this video. It took a little while to get used to setting the anchor points, and I think if I had longer time I could've made a way better video, but I think that with the time that I had I made a pretty decent video. When I first started making this video, I had no clue how I was going to be able to make something "cool" with what my monster looked like. I had planned on making the eyes blink and have a lot more action, but with the way I made the eyes that was not a possibility. I think I did a relatively good job on my video and I definetly want to make it better on my own time!