English Language Arts and Reading

240529 JAZMYN GLORIA - Hatchet Mini-Essay 2023

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240529 JAZMYN GLORIA - My Memoir

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240529 JAZMYN GLORIA - My Persuasive Essay 2023

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240529 JAZMYN GLORIA - Narrative Retelling 2023

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These are 4 essays I have written in ELAR. If there are any problems viewing them please email jgloria1621@stu.neisd.net. (Copy and paste)


6th Honors-GT Syllabus


Mrs. Nuckolls deletes old projects from google Classroom so I cannot find anything to put here. (She archived old assignments and they are no longer available to me.)

World History (Social Studies)


Seterra is the app that we use in Social Studies to test our geographical knowledge. Every 1-2 weeks we have a test for different places of the world. I think they are interesting, but everyone has their own opinions. We've had about 11, (I counted but I might be off, I'm not sure.) We did the America's, Africa, Asia, and we are currently doing Europe. The image to the side is the map test we are having on 5/24/2024 that is either the last map test, (Hopefully) or the 2nd to last.Â